Monday, 25 May 2009

Five good things

O and five good things from the past few days.


1: Spending qualitiy time with my little-big brother the BFG. Playing pool together and chatting
2: Getting hugs and physical contact of the BFG. I'm very tactile and feel isolated without physical contact. But I'm funny about who touchs me.
3: BFG is a christian! He hasn't told me yet, my Mum did and God definately has his hand on him.
4: Food, meat and all the other niceties I can't normally afford.
5: Mum being happier.

It's been a while

I've been away a bit. Not had internet at home.

Missed doing my five good things of the day; and there have been a lot of good things.

Enjoying the job. Nice people, both staff ans customers. I like being proud to tell people what i do. I am proud to be providing for myself. I am glad to be getting out of the house. I am challenged to be a good example as a Christian in the work place. It has it's challenges, i'm not a salesperson and i'm not a musician. It's great to get the chance to practice on good quality instruments.

Found somewhere to live after the contract runs out on my house. Moving in with a girl I know from church. Looking forwrd to it, it will be different but I will also be nearer to alot of friends from church. It will be another chapter in my life.

Had a great day on Sunday, when I contemplated missing church to join my family on holiday earlier. Glad I didn't, there was a great sermon on, well, spiritual gifts but looking specifically at prophesy. It scared/challenged me, I had always seen prophesy as the cool spiritual gift. I think i have been challenge to treat it with more respect, it is a powerful weapon of God. But the best thing was being realised from prophesies from the past. One of the hardest things about breaking up with T was that, before I even knew him, everything seemed to point to the idea that the next guy I dated would be the one I married. The preacher talked about how we can get prophesy wrong, that hatch/match/dispatch prophesies are a bad idea. He prayed for release from binding prophesy. They don't have authority over us. I realised, it's ok to have got it wrong, that i probably got it wrong and didn't 'ruin' Gods plan for me (totaly impossible), and that I don't need to make the prophesy come true, by my own means or petitioning God. I still would have liked things to have worked out differently but they didn't. I got it wrong. I keep saying it to myself and it's so freeing.

I have been through enough to know that its a bad idea to cry 'Ureka! I'm cured' but this definately is a step forward.